Website or blog, which is best for your company

Surely you have already faced the need for your company to have a digital presence, after all, the Internet is an essential channel today and an additional platform for communication with your audience.

However, the way it presents itself can be a little confusing in your head “I must create a website or a blog”. The answer is not so simple and will depend on a number of factors.

The main factor is your goal, depending on what you intend with your virtual presence, there will be an option that will best suit you.

To start unveiling which is the right choice for your company we will understand the difference between site and blog, what is the use of each one of them and which can solve your problems in the best way.

What is a website

A website is a page (or a set of pages) that, once built, will not undergo many changes over time, because it will serve as a virtual business card, where you can describe your services and show the face of the company.

The site will be responsible for presenting your company to the client, create a communication channel and show what are its values, vision and mission, so it is important that it has a formal and direct language, as if it were a face-to-face service.

What is a blog?

The blog, on the other hand, is a content channel, where you can write about issues that relate to the characteristics of your products or services, resolve doubts of your customers and thus create links to facilitate the sale.

From the content generated in the blog, your client creates proximity with the company, after all, it is used a more informal and indirect language, where the product is in the background and the needs of the consumer are in the foreground.

Characteristics and purpose of the Website

Through the site the customer knows your business, he can learn about your products or services, make purchases and connect with your company, however, it will be in an institutional environment, where the main focus is the company.

To get to your site probably the customer will have to know your company previously because it will hardly fall on your page by chance.

The main purpose of the site is to create a platform of contact with the customer by which he can know you better and make the purchase.

Features and purpose of BLOG

The blog is based on frequent posts, through it, the company needs to deliver the largest possible volume of content that encourages the customer to make the purchase of their products and services, ie, marketing is done indirectly.

With the use of some strategies, such as SEO (search engine optimization) is possible to improve the positioning of your site in search engines and thus make customers find your company through their searches related to their content.

The purpose of the blog is to build a network of leads (potential buyers) for your company and increase sales by gaining the sympathy of your audience.

How to choose between the two?

The choice will depend on your objective if you prefer to maintain a formal language with your audience and present to them only your services or products, decide for a site will fulfill this function.

If on the other hand, you need to create a more intimate relationship with your customers and talk to them more deeply about various issues related to your segment, the blog will be essential to create this link.

However you do not need to choose for one or the other, it is possible to create an area for a blog within a website and thus have the two channels of communication with your customer using the same domain.


The important thing is to take into consideration what makes your audience interested, the quality of the content presented is essential to keep your customers active and the visual identity also needs to be taken into account.

In order to deliver to your customers what they expect, it is essential to know the profile of their audience, to deeply understand what they are looking for and how they relate to digital platforms from entertainment to their consumer choices.

If you want to continue learning about the universe of business and entrepreneurship follow our blog, here you can find content to improve your performance and that of your company.

The importance of Digital Marketing for your business

To stop investing in Digital Marketing is one of the mistakes that your company can not make nowadays. The digital presence is essential for the good development of your business and relationship with customers.

If what you seek are real results, read this text until the end, here we will address the importance of Digital Marketing today, in addition to the need to draw strategies and relate well with your customers to be rewarded for your investment.

Why invest in Digital Marketing?

Each day more, customers are connected and reach them by digital means can be more convincing and effective, talking to your potential customers by this means brings proximity that increases the chances of conversion.

With the internet and social networks, consumers have gained the power to find information about the brands they consume, and the image created by these companies in this environment is essential in the purchase decision.

This kind of concern was for a long time exclusive to large companies, now medium and small businesses also need to be attentive to the news in this sector.

How to Invest in Digital Marketing?

The relationship with the client occurs from the production of content, either by articles on blogs, e-books, videos on youtube, among other platforms, from then on customers are attracted, becoming leads that will need to be nurtured by other means, among them the e-mail Marketing.

Marketing within digital platforms multiplies rapidly through the customers themselves since they are also producers of content and have the ability to impact their network through testimonials about their consumer experiences with their products.

Digital Marketing x Traditional Marketing

The biggest advantage of digital marketing is to build a qualified audience for the brand, i.e., to impact those people who are more likely to consume its products or services.

Because they are highly targeted, digital marketing costs are lower than traditional ones, bringing more real and measurable results.

Advantages of Digital Marketing

The aspects achieved by Digital Marketing directly impact the growth, reach and visibility and can bring several benefits for the company to achieve better results, among them we can mention:

  • Position yourself in the market
  • Establish sales channels
  • Measuring results
  • Increase return on investment

The best way to be effective in this process is to know your target audience in-depth, and for this many tools can help, because there are already ways to cross data and from this get very important information about the profile of your consumers.

What means to use in Digital Marketing?

Organic Traffic

One of the most efficient ways to attract your audience is through information, many people seek to solve their problems by reading texts in blog posts, e-books, and infographics, offering quality content to your audience you create a relationship of trust.

For these contents to be more accessed, it is necessary to use SEO (Search Engine Optimization) strategies, which define keywords and make the site more relevant in search engines that will take your text into the hands of those who seek for issues related to your company.

Another strategy that is also efficient is the sponsored link, from an ad on these sites your company can stand out in search results.

E-mail marketing

After conquering your future customers through organic traffic you need to maintain your good relationship with them, for this, the email marketing strategy will be your ally.

The e-mail marketing has a high rate of return on your investment, it brings your company closer to the public facilitating the disclosure of offers. Through e-mail marketing, it is also possible to measure your results effectively.

Social networks

Social networks cannot be forgotten as strong allies of your company’s digital marketing, through them it is possible to increase the visibility of your business.

In them, you will be able to share content and have the advantage of the high flow of information exchange, through which your own followers will replicate your ideas.


To achieve positive results for your company with Digital Marketing, it is not enough to have a website and social networks, it is necessary to create a strategy to generate visibility, conquer customers and monetize, for this it is essential to have a clear objective.

Once your goals are well defined, reaching your customers will be easier than it seems. The dedication and responsibility with the contents and ideas that your company will share will be the guarantee of the success of your disclosure process.

Common mistakes of start-up entrepreneurs, what they are and how to avoid them

Starting a business isn’t easy, but the big challenge is getting ahead and making your business thrive.

Making mistakes is part of entrepreneurship, but some can be avoided and for you not to fall into any of them we prepare a list with the common mistakes of beginners entrepreneurs.

Lack of planning

Before starting a business, good planning is essential but more important than that is following all the steps you have planned.

Paying attention in all bureaucratic stages and, mainly, not letting the excitement of starting a new business take you out of reality is the best way to avoid mistakes that can lead your company to failure.

Not knowing your differential

Nowadays there is no more space for companies that do not have their profile well defined and present to customers a differential in relation to their competitors.

Therefore, have well defined the vision, mission, and values of your business and transmit to your customers in all stages from the production to the final product, without forgetting the after-sales.

Do not know your area

Adventuring into an unknown area can be a one-way street, so be aware of the market you are entering, study your audience, your competitors, and keep in mind the challenges ahead.

No commitment

Getting a company up and running requires a lot of effort and commitment, you’ll need to get organized and set up a work schedule as if you’re working for others, or more.

Organizing your tasks of the week and making the best use of the time you are working is also essential for the growth of your company, so define your priorities and do not spend time on superfluous things.

Read also: How to avoid the 5 villains that delay your work.

Not meeting deadlines

Conquering customers is a great challenge, so serving them in the best possible way is an obligation of the entrepreneur, so do not play with deadlines, if you do not offer your services or products within the agreed time you run serious risks of losing the customer forever.

Don’t go to your customers

Believing that customers will come to your business on their own is a very common mistake for start-up entrepreneurs, but this mistake can be costly.

Conquering clients is one of the hard jobs to be done after opening a business and for that it is necessary to reach them, either by digital means, publicizing in public places, or the famous mouth to mouth, but the fact is that you need to inform them that your company exists.

Do not understand that growth is not immediate

The beginning of a company requires an enormous effort, but the result does not always start with the numbers you want to reach. It is necessary to understand that for some time and can be for many months, your company will have a small financial return and even so you need to devote yourself intensely to it.

Don’t pay attention to finances

Having a good initial financial plan and controlling every penny that comes in and goes out of your company is essential, even at the beginning, when the financial return is low, failing to pay attention to finance is a terrible mistake for the beginner entrepreneur.

If you understand everything about your business but don’t understand anything about finance, be sure to hire a person specialized in this area from the beginning, this can avoid many problems for your business.

Give up on the first problem

One of the most common mistakes of beginner entrepreneurs is to give up on the first problem, whether it is the low financial return from the beginning, or the lack of customers, giving up will always be the easiest option, but persisting will be the right option.

Study, engage, seek help, and the growth of your company will be a consequence of your effort.

How to improve your team’s performance

One of a leader’s greatest challenges is to maintain the performance of his team, make all employees surrender and be happy and satisfied with their work.

This task seems easy at first, but maintaining a team’s performance for long periods requires a lot of effort and managing people is not as simple as it seems.

To help you create effective management methods and improve your team’s performance, we’ve prepared a list of some actions you can take to make your employees pay much more.

Value Your Employees

It is very important that the people who work with you feel valued, so treating them with respect, cordiality, and empathy is the first step.

Another important point is to offer your team an environment of equity, where the hierarchy exists, but everyone feels safe to express their views and share information.

Keep in mind the positive points that led you to hire that person and put your trust in him or her, and leave the door to dialogue always open so that he or she can trust you equally.

Make feedbacks periodically

The performance you expect from your employee can and should be reported to them, so providing feedback to expose their expectations and how well they are being met is essential.

Feedback meetings don’t have to be frequent, but it’s important that they have a certain periodicity, so the team doesn’t get overwhelmed with meetings to discuss results, but it also doesn’t take too long to get a sense of whether they’re meeting expectations.

Listen to your employees

Feedback is a resource that should be used by both sides, as a leader you need to communicate your expectations to your employees, but on the other hand, listening to their opinions and expectations is very important.

Be aware of everyday complaints, those that arise in informal conversations, but also take time to listen calmly to what your team has to say to you, they will often see problems that you can’t see from where you are.

Teach the importance of each member to the team

One factor that can greatly improve an employee’s performance is that he or she understands how important he or she is to the department and to the company.

When the members of your team feel important to the functioning of the business, the feeling of ownership will awaken and he will start to do more in search of results.

For this it is not necessary to make a lot of effort, just remember to include credits for team members in the face of achievement and praise the good practices, this way each one of them will feel more important.

Encourage interesting tasks

All work ends up falling into the routine and this can be very harmful to achieve good results after all employees end up creating negative habits that do not stimulate creativity.

To avoid this evil the best thing to do is to create tasks that are more challenging and instigating for the employees, this way they will be more stimulated to innovate.

Reward the effort

Often the best way to get your employees to work harder is to offer rewards for achieving a goal, so creating ways to give gifts to outstanding team members can be a great strategy.

This reward can be financial, but there is also the possibility of creating other forms of incentive such as paying for a dinner for the best employee of the month or a trip for the one who stands out throughout the year.

Encourage team spirit

Ensuring that all members of your team get along well and especially that they trust each other is essential for the good performance of your company.

When employees understand each other well the actions that require collaboration between team members are more likely to work. As far as possible, encourage team members to get along and encourage them to work together.

Set an example

No one respects a boss you don’t admire, so you need to be worthy of the admiration of your employees.

For this it is important that you be an example of discipline and determination, avoiding delays, showing that you give everything of yourself to the work and mainly worrying about the welfare and good relationship of the team.

Following these simple steps, but that need to be cultivated daily, you will be closer to get a more productive work team and thus conquer the position of a good leader.

10 Steps to be a good entrepreneur

Being a good entrepreneur depends on many factors, from the beginning it is essential that there is a lot of effort and determination to create a successful business.

Some habits and actions can bring your business closer to success, then you learn the ten steps to being a good entrepreneur.

Study a lot

Being in tune with everything that is happening in your area of activity is essential to be a good entrepreneur. Furthermore, studying marketing, communication and innovation techniques will make you a more prepared entrepreneur.

Invest in your training, if possible take courses in your area, learn new languages and open the doors to knowledge.

Have healthy habits

Your business is nothing without you, being physically and psychologically healthy will ensure that your company also performs well.

For this it is important that you take care of your health, eat properly, sleep well and have good habits for a stress-free routine.

Organize your tasks

The organization is one of the main qualities of a good entrepreneur, to manage your personal tasks and all the demands of your company you need to have good organization techniques.

Start your Monday by organizing your work week you will only spend a few minutes doing this, but you will save a lot of time over the days.

Manage finances well

Having good control over your money will certainly help you to be a good entrepreneur, do the accounting of your company with the greatest possible responsibility.

Attention to your personal expenses, they can hinder the smooth running of your business, to avoid this happening know how to separate personal finances from your company.

Make a network of contacts

Having contact with people from different areas and places is a very important factor to make your business grow.

Once inserted in a network you will always find people to provide services you need to hire, to make partnerships and even to consume your products or services.

There are many ways to insert yourself in a network of contacts, you can unite your college colleagues, join a group of friends or establish relationships within your workspace if you work in a coworking.

Learn From Mistakes

Mistakes are part of the world of entrepreneurship, the way you deal with them is what will determine whether you are a good entrepreneur.

Faced with a mistake, the good entrepreneur needs to know how to learn a lesson and not to make mistakes in the next choices, if by making a mistake you only see what you have lost with it, you will not know how to move forward.

Be innovative

Creativity is in everything we do, but innovation is restricted to good entrepreneurs. Innovation is essential in today’s world where competition is great and it becomes more and more difficult to stand out.

To innovate it is necessary not to be afraid and explore possibilities that may seem absurd, but it will be in them that you can find your differential and stand out in a sea of entrepreneurs.

Keep focused on what matters

There are many factors that can distract you and take your focus away from work, so it is common for you to end up putting too much energy into some things that won’t come to anything.

Create priorities and don’t lose focus on your obligations, meet your most important demands before investing your time and money in tasks that will not grow your business.

To have control over your tasks it is important that you avoid the villains that delay your work and devote your hours in the office to make your business prosper.

Value your clients

Your customers represent a goal to be achieved, in current times people do not consume products or services without having sympathy for the company, so conquering their customers and making them believe in your brand is of paramount importance.

Keep in mind that all your business needs to work according to its pillars and values, only then your customers will have confidence and respect for your brand.

Have free quality time

The last step to being a good entrepreneur is knowing that life is not just your business, working is important, but having quality time with your family and friends is essential for your well-being.

Make good use of your time outside the company, cultivate good relationships and have hobbies to accomplish your personal goals beyond the professionals. This way your mind will be much more relaxed to focus on the work when the time is right.

Entrepreneurship in practice: How to start a business from scratch

The labor market is constantly changing and many people are looking for new ways to establish themselves financially. For some time now, entrepreneurship has become a working model desired by many, but few people know where to start.

If you feel that it is time to undertake and be your own boss, you need to understand the path you will have to follow to reach your dreamed business. To help you on this journey, we have created a step-by-step for you to believe in your ideas and understand that it takes a lot of work and especially planning to undertake.

Establish a goal

The first step to starting your own business is to establish a goal. Determine exactly what your company’s product or service will be and what goals will be achieved.

At this point, you need to put your ideas on paper and ask yourself if they are feasible. The next steps will answer that question.

Analyze the market

Making an analysis of the market you want to enter is an essential step towards success. To do so, keep in mind the peculiarities of the market segment, analyze which will be your competitors and know very well the profile of your customers.

Market segment

The segment is what divides the consumers of the same product by profiles, when determining the market segment you know the target of your company, so it is easier to think your strategies and how the development of your product or service will be done.


Knowing what your competitors are and what their defects and qualities are leaves you one step ahead. This is the time to reflect which market needs are already met by your competitors and which can still be explored by you.


One of the most important parts for your business to be successful is to conquer and retain your customers, so it is very important to know them well and understand what their needs and problems are that your company seeks to solve.

To understand the profile of your customers it is necessary to ask three questions:

Who is it?
What does it seek?
Why does it seek?

Categorize your product / service

The next important step in starting your business is to categorize your product or service, i.e. to have well defined what you will sell or what service you will provide to your consumer.

When establishing your segment, you will have clear some aspects of your product because you will know the language you should use to reach your target audience. From there you will define your distribution channels, communication actions, and pricing policy.
Distribution channels

Distribution channels are the means by which your product will reach your end customer, so it is how you will distribute your product.

Communication Strategies

How you will communicate with your customers is also of paramount importance and should be taken into account from the very beginning of your business.

Be well defined about the means by which you will communicate with your audience and the language you intend to use. Know that this will be the personality of your company and therefore an important factor at the time your customer decides whether or not to be a consumer of your product or service.

Pricing Policy

After knowing the characteristics of your audience, the peculiarities of your competitors and categorizing your products or services you will need to define a pricing policy.

Remember that the price you determine can be attractive, but your company should not be chosen only because it has the lowest price, so know how to add value to your company so that your customer is loyal not because you sell the cheapest product, but because it has a differential that captivates you.

Establish an operating mode

The mode of operation is how your company will function, what are the necessary means for your business to produce and then serve your customers.

For this it is necessary to plan in advance if you will need a space, how big it needs to be, what equipment and staff will be needed to produce and how long it will take.


Make a survey of all the equipment that will be needed for your company to start producing. Include production machines, computers, vehicles and any other material that will need to be purchased to get the company up and running.


Calculate the need for personnel to work in your company. What positions will be needed and what the roles of each of them will be.


Determine how long it will take to produce your product or perform your service. At this point, you need to take into account the time you will need to serve your end customer.

Plan your finances

After defining all the necessary aspects for your company to function it is time to think about how much money will need to be invested to put your business into practice.

At this point it is important to evaluate the need for financing and if you will have enough return to keep the company running and repay your loan.

Initial costs

Initial costs are all those expenses that will be required to start your business.

They include registration fees, space rental, purchase of machinery, purchase of computers and other essential elements for the start of operations.

Expenses and revenues

In this category include all expenses that will be fixed, such as rent, consumption accounts, employee salaries, and others.

Working capital

The working capital will be the value that will guarantee the normal functioning of your company, it should be sufficient so that for a period of time your expenses and income are covered.

Cash flow

The cash flow is an amount that takes your expenses into account in relation to your earnings, so when the earnings are higher than the expenses your cash flow is positive, on the other hand, if the expenses are higher than the earnings the cash flow is negative.


Your profit will be the spare value before a positive cash flow. It is common for you to have little or no profit at all at the start of a business, or for this value to be used only to cover the initial costs.

Take into account the possibility that your company may take a long time to generate profit, so your financial planning should be well prepared and you should be financially secure for this initial period.

Formalize your company

The last step to open your business is also one of the most important, it consists of formalizing your company. In order for your business to work within the law, you need to register it with the competent authorities in your region and pay all the necessary taxes.

Remember that working informally can create future problems for you and your company, so do everything necessary to have your business formalized.

Believe in your potential

Finally, be sure to believe in your potential, the paths in the world of entrepreneurship are long and often challenging, but with persistence, it is possible to achieve success.

Another important point to be raised is the need to always be prepared to reach your goals, get educated, take courses, attend lectures and groups of entrepreneurs, so you will always be updated and therefore in front of your competitors.

If you liked these tips to open your own business, share them with your friends, family and future partners and be sure to follow our blog to access exclusive content about the business world.

How to separate your personal finances from the company

For most small entrepreneurs, separating their personal finances from company accounts is a real challenge. It is common for all the money to get mixed up and the expenses and earnings are not well defined.

In order to prevent this kind of disorganization from affecting your finances, detailed planning for your personal and company earnings and expenses is essential.

Learn to follow the step by step to separate the accounting of your personal life from your company and do not run the risk of getting lost in the calculations and end up going wrong.

Step 1 – Make a financial control

Make a detailed survey of all the money that is moved by your company, calculate everything that comes in and everything that goes out and then set the value of your monthly profit.

Determine the company’s fixed costs

Keep track of all your company’s expenses, don’t forget that this amount is fixed and that you won’t be able to count on it for your personal accounts.

If possible, determine a value to invest in the growth of your company, always keep in mind the need to increase your business.

Calculate your company’s profits

After determining your company’s fixed expenses, find out the total profit it generates per month, that amount will be your salary.

Knowing this value, and respecting it, is very important so that you do not compromise the good functioning of your business, because if you exceed the value of your profit with your personal expenses you run the risk of embezzling the finances of your company.

Step 2 – Create separate accounts

To organize your personal and company expenses well, the idea is that you have separate bank accounts for each of the parties.

If you use the same bank account for the expenses of your company and your personal expenses the organization will be more complicated and the chances of you getting lost in the calculations are very great.

Step 3 – Pay your salary

The best way to define well how much of the money generated by your company can be spent on your personal expenses is to pay a salary for yourself.

This way you will know exactly how much money you have available and, thus, it reduces the chances of programming badly and ends up needing to interfere in the company’s money to cover your personal expenses.

Step 4 – Organize personal finances

Not bursting your personal budget should be your main goal. To achieve this the ideal is to organize your expenses in a realistic way and not live a standard of living above what you can afford.

Fixed expenses

The fixed monthly expenses are those that you have with housing, consumption accounts and food, they should not exceed 50% of your total budget, this is a great technique to avoid that in a month that your profit is lower you end up in debt.

Categorize as fixed expenses all that you can not cut from your expenses, ie, the basic items for your survival.

Lifestyle expenses

Part of the rest of your money available per month should be spent on your lifestyle expenses, i.e. buying clothes, paying for dinner in a new restaurant or going to a show, for example.

This category also includes spending on education, remember that investing in your studies is one of the best ways to grow professionally, so think about the possibility of taking courses related to your area of expertise or even language classes.


For an entrepreneur to invest in his own company is essential, whenever possible apply more capital aiming at the growth of his business, but not limited to him, it is important to have investments in other areas.

Thinking about the future is something to do from an early age, so be sure to set aside a portion of your earnings to make a private pension, ensure that your years of rest will be quiet.

Following this step by step, you will never have problems to get lost in your finances, put them in practice and ensure that all your expenses are well planned.

If you liked these tips register and leave your comment, follow our blog to access the best contents of business, enterprise, and finance.

Habits that you need to acquire for a stress free routine

We live a routine race, a frenetic rhythm between work and personal life, taking care of yourself is a task that has been increasingly left aside and the effects of these choices can be devastating for your mental health after all the stress caused by them can generate permanent damage.

There are many reasons that can generate stress, know how to identify them and work ways to mitigate this problem is fundamental. Know that with some habits and attitudes you can control stress and have a much better life.

Know your limits

Each person reacts in a certain way to the stimuli of everyday life, knowing what causes you stress is the first step to start fighting it.

If you already know the events that make you stressed, learn to avoid them, if this option does not exist, be prepared to deal with them in the best possible way.

A good tip that can help you prepare before an event that will cause you stress, such as making a presentation, is to use breathing techniques. Also, avoiding negativity and filling yourself with positive thoughts is sure to help you.

Feed correctly

Your diet is directly linked to your body’s ability to work during the day, a body without fuel will hardly allow your mind to be free to make the best choices.

Good nutrition begins by choosing times, having a set time each day to make your meals is an essential habit.

Choosing the right foods will also make all the difference, if you ingest too much sugar, for example, you may end up with blood glucose spikes, which will hinder your performance.

Also, avoid high-fat foods and excessive caffeine, coffee can be a great ally at times, but exaggerating doses can attack your nervous system, which will increase your stress level.

Hydration is an item that cannot be left aside, always have liquids at your fingertips throughout the day and control your alcohol intake during the week.

Practice physical exercises

The practice of some sport, to make a run or even a simple walk, will contribute to the decrease in the levels of stress. Physical exercise is able to release substances in the brain directly linked to pleasure, including this habit in your routine, especially in the morning, will give you a more productive day.

Having a good posture is also a very important item, so make sure that your chair and table offer ergometric working conditions, after all, you will spend the whole day in them.

Get a good night’s sleep

Sleeping well, especially for the number of hours needed to replenish your energy, will ensure that you feel physically and mentally more willing.

A good night’s sleep will reward you throughout the day, your body will be more prepared and resistant to the workday, and your mind will be rested to deal with problems without stress.

If you have insomnia problems, try to follow a few steps so that you can rest easy:

  1. Plan the next day’s tasks
  2. Slowing down the pace little by little
  3. Read some pages of a book
  4. Decrease the lighting in the environment
  5. Avoid distractions such as cell phone and television after lying in bed

Organize your duties

One of the best ways to avoid stress is to organize your workweek, if you know the steps you need to take and how much time you will have available for them, your mind is calmer and focused on what is important in each moment.

Taking the time to do this planning will be a great choice and will avoid the stress caused by unpredictability and lack of time.

Another effective way to combat stress is to solve the backlog. When we have something laborious or unpleasant to do is to do everything to postpone this task, however, this is a terrible choice, the most difficult or laborious duties must be solved first, otherwise they will become an extra concern.

Building good relations

When your family and social life are fine, your daily work tends to be better. Being well with yourself will directly influence your professional life.

If you do not have the habit of having fun and sharing moments with the people you love, the tendency to suffer from stress is greater. You will always have the impression that you are living only for work and will feel indebted to your friends and family.

Make time for social activities outside of your professional environment, dedicate some time to playful activities, fun is essential.

Have an exhaust valve

Working for hours in a row for several days of the week requires some reward, create ways to give yourself at least once a week, either with your own time, or even buying something you wanted, but be careful not to burst your budget, a reward doesn’t necessarily have to be expensive.

Having a hobby is very important to reduce moments of stress, performing tasks linked to personal desires will help you to be satisfied with yourself. Find out which are the activities you like to do for pleasure and put them into practice.

Don’t let your work and problems damage your health, take care of your mind should be one of the priorities in your day to day, so practice the tips you learned and keep stress levels always low.

Meet the 5 villains that delay your work and learn to avoid them.

Have you ever wondered how much time you spend doing your work doing things that do you no good?

When you get to the end of the day and realize that a task is behind you know that you could have taken better advantage of your time and that over time you are working with could be better spent with your family or friends.

Time-consuming villains are everywhere, and learning to avoid them will be the key to your day to yield much more and your productivity to increase considerably.

If you are determined to face these villains follow these tips to the end, and be willing to put them into practice as soon as possible.

Villain Number 1 – Your Mobile

Believe me, the biggest villain is in the palm of your hand and that’s why it’s so hard to resist.

On the one hand, cell phones are an important part of your job, and failing to answer them can cause you future problems. On the other hand, notifications often direct you to personal matters that can be resolved later, or even to some superfluous distraction.

That’s when you need to use your first weapon: resist digital temptations. For this, the best thing to do is to disable notifications from groups of friends and social networks that are not related to your work.

Another important thing is to explain your schedules to people who are in the habit of calling you or texting you more often.

And of course, don’t be the person who will pull random subjects with your friends, family, or post to your social networks during your work hours, this will eventually set you on a path of no return.

Villain Number 2 – Clutter

Not setting a monthly, weekly and even daily schedule can greatly delay your work.

Having the planning of what you have to produce and how much time you will have to do so prevents you from getting lost.

You need to set deadlines to resolve each issue, if you take too long to accomplish one task you will end up with no time to accomplish the others.

So your next weapon is knowing how to organize your tasks, so you set rules for yourself and keep your time from being wasted.

You can either have a physical calendar or use digital resources like apps and the Google calendar. Other methods like making lists and even spreading post-its on your desk are also worthwhile.

Villain Number 3 – Procrastination

It is very common that when faced with a more boring or laborious task we put it as the last thing to do.

This is one of the biggest mistakes you can make, leaving hard work to the end of the day or the weekend is to increase the chances of not doing so and push that obligation into the future.

The problem is that in the future it will still be a boring task, so why not solve it all at once?

Your third weapon is: Give priority to the most difficult obligations, so you get rid of them faster and you can rest easy to do your other tasks throughout the day or week.

Villain Number 4 – Lack of Tools

Some software can make your job much easier and especially more agile.

Not knowing or mastering these tools can hurt your performance and cause you to waste hours on something you could solve in seconds.

To solve this problem and save your wasted hours you need weapon number four: study technology solutions that can be your best friends in everyday life.

If you know that these tools exist, but you don’t have the practice of using them, invest in a course, or ask someone to teach you, you will find that the time you will gain from it will be worth the investment.

The quality of your services also counts as a tool in your favor, having a good internet connection can save you from a lot of unnecessary delays.

Villain Number 5 – Don’t Turn Off the Brain

The last villain on our list requires a lot of discipline to be dodged, after all turning off the mind of outside issues and focusing on work is not easy.

Many factors around us can be distracting, whether it’s a television on, colleagues talking, or a worry hammering in our heads.

To get rid of this you will need the fifth weapon: to have a calm, organized working environment free from temptation and attention-grabbing elements.

If you are going to work in your home, avoid environments where other residents may be around, so be assured that you will not be interrupted.

If you are in the office, choose times to interact, arrange a coffee break with your colleagues and have a relaxed time, so you can catch up, but without interrupting each other.

Taking the necessary steps to make your day pay off much more may seem complicated, but it really depends solely on you and your discipline.

Finding the best paths may take some time, but surely if you follow all these tips the result will come faster.


How to organize your week for your job

Is it possible to solve all the issues of the week in your company and personal life? Know that the secret to managing all your tasks is in planning, who knows how to organize your workweek is much more productive and has more free time.

Taking a moment to set your weekly goals will make each of your chores a set time, avoiding anything being overlooked or overlooked.

With these measures, the productivity of your company will have significant improvements, after all those who make the most of their time achieve better results.

Below you will find several tips on how to organize your week and get it done, but be prepared, to put it into practice you will need organization and discipline.

Create a Plan

The first thing you need to do when you start your work on Monday is to plan each hour of your week so you can better visualize all your chores and appointments.

Organize your schedules in blocks, this way you set a time to start and finish each of your tasks, avoiding spending much time doing something.

Group similar tasks, for example, if you know you need to go to the pharmacy and the bank throughout the week plan to do both on the same day and time, so you avoid having to leave the office several times.

Placing your planning on paper or in an organization chart helps you not to forget and make a commitment to yourself, so be sure to write your schedule.

Schedule Commitments

Get in touch with all the people with whom you will have an appointment during the week so that you can make your schedule without risking a last-minute show.

If you need to do more than one, schedule all meetings for the same day, so you and your team workflow from having too many breaks during the week.

Organize Your Things

Starting the day a little earlier will make all the difference in your organization, so you do not waste time that you should be doing tasks with your planning.

Taking advantage of this time to pack the objects and papers on your desk will be a wise decision, so you avoid wasting time in the future analyzing materials that no longer fit. Another important thing to do in this period is to organize your mailbox, so make folders for each subject and delete the unnecessary messages for your work.

Establish Priorities

Knowing your priorities can help you organize your schedule, always do the most important tasks first, so if you end up being late for some reason you will not leave something important for later.

Understand what tasks you need to do personally and which you can delegate, so you do not spend time doing something that can be outsourced. Some distractions and habits can put an end to your planning, meet the villains who may delay your work and prevent the time you’ve planned is wasted.

Set Schedules

You can not think of each day as eight hours of chores. You need to set break times, whether for lunch, for coffee, or a few minutes of rest.

This way you ensure that your mind is calmer to focus on work and prevents fatigue from hampering your performance.

Count on the Unexpected

When organizing your work week keep in mind that not everything can be predicted, some chores will come up during the week and you need to be prepared for this extra demand.

Scheduling more time than necessary to complete each task, or even leaving a block of free time, can ensure that when an unforeseen event arises, you do not have to work overtime to accomplish it.

Take a Time for your Family and Friends

Finding friends or having quality time with your family is very important to your performance. Choose a few moments to take care of your personal relationships, so you have fun and the next day at work will be more fruitful.

Spending the entire week just working can make your mind overloaded and hinder your income, learn stress-reducing habits, and be a more efficient professional.

Let’s recap the important steps to having an organized week, remember, they will make your job performance improve significantly.