How Coworking Spaces Enhance Corporate Innovation

In today’s fast-paced business world, the concept of coworking spaces has emerged as a game-changer, especially when it comes to fostering corporate innovation. These vibrant, shared environments are not just about providing a desk or a Wi-Fi connection; they’re about creating a dynamic ecosystem where ideas flourish, collaborations form, and businesses thrive. Let’s dive into how coworking spaces are revolutionizing the corporate landscape.

The Magic of Collaborative Environments

Breaking Down Silos

In traditional office settings, departments often work in silos, isolated from each other. Coworking spaces shatter these barriers, fostering a culture of open communication and collaboration. Imagine a place where a casual coffee break can lead to an impromptu brainstorming session with someone from a completely different field. That’s the power of these collaborative environments.

A Melting Pot of Ideas

Coworking spaces are bustling hubs where diverse minds meet. You’ll find freelancers, entrepreneurs, and employees from various corporations under one roof. This diversity is a breeding ground for innovative ideas, as people with different skills and perspectives come together.

Flexibility and Creativity

The flexible nature of coworking spaces also plays a crucial role in nurturing creativity. Unlike the rigid structure of traditional offices, these spaces offer various environments to suit different working styles – from quiet zones for deep focus to open areas designed for collaboration and networking.

Networking: More Than Just Making Contacts

Building Meaningful Relationships

Networking in coworking spaces goes beyond exchanging business cards. It’s about building lasting relationships that can evolve into partnerships, mentorships, and even friendships. These connections often lead to collaborative projects, opening doors to new opportunities and innovative solutions.

Learning from Diverse Industries

One of the unique aspects of coworking spaces is the convergence of multiple industries under one roof. This environment allows corporate teams to gain insights from different sectors, challenging their conventional thinking and inspiring innovative approaches to problem-solving.

Regular Events and Workshops

Most coworking spaces host a variety of events, from workshops to networking mixers. These gatherings are not just social events; they’re incubators for fresh ideas and collaborations. They provide a platform for members to showcase their expertise, learn from others, and find new angles to approach their projects.

Harnessing Diverse Perspectives

Cross-Pollination of Ideas

In a coworking space, the cross-pollination of ideas is a daily occurrence. It’s where a tech entrepreneur might strike up a conversation with a graphic designer, leading to a groundbreaking digital product. This blend of perspectives can be the catalyst for innovation that corporations need.

Global Insights

Many coworking spaces are home to a global community, offering a window to international trends and perspectives. For corporations, this means access to a broader worldview, essential for staying ahead in a globalized market.

Embracing Cultural Diversity

The cultural diversity within coworking spaces is not just about geographical differences. It encompasses various professional backgrounds, life experiences, and creative approaches. This rich tapestry is invaluable for corporations seeking to innovate and adapt in an ever-changing business landscape.

The Future of Work and Innovation

Adapting to Rapid Changes

The world of work is evolving rapidly, and coworking spaces are at the forefront of this transformation. They offer a glimpse into the future of work – one that is flexible, collaborative, and innovation-driven.

Sustainability and Growth

For corporations, tapping into the ecosystem of a coworking space is not just about immediate gains. It’s about building a sustainable model for growth and innovation. These spaces provide the resources and networks to continuously evolve and stay competitive.

A New Corporate Culture

Adopting the coworking model can lead to a significant shift in corporate culture. It encourages openness, agility, and a more human-centric approach to business. This cultural shift is often the key to unlocking new levels of innovation and success.

Building a Brand Presence with a Virtual Office

In today’s digital-first world, the concept of a traditional office is rapidly evolving. Enter the virtual office, a solution that’s redefining how we think about workspaces and brand building. As someone deeply immersed in the coworking space arena, I’ve seen firsthand how virtual offices are more than just a trend; they’re a strategic tool for crafting a powerful brand presence.

The New Era of Workspaces

Embracing the Virtual Office Revolution

Gone are the days when a physical office was the hallmark of a serious business. Today, virtual offices offer a flexible, cost-effective way to establish a professional business presence. They provide a physical address, communication services, and access to meeting spaces without the overhead of a traditional office.

Why Virtual Offices are a Game Changer

For startups, freelancers, and even established companies, virtual offices are a game changer. They allow businesses to maintain a professional image, access global markets, and attract top talent who prefer flexible working conditions.

Crafting Your Online Presence

Building a Digital Identity

In the realm of virtual office branding, your digital identity is your first impression. It’s crucial to have a well-designed website, a strong social media presence, and an engaging content strategy. This digital triad forms the backbone of your online presence, making your brand accessible and appealing to a global audience.

Leveraging Digital Marketing

Digital marketing is your ally in building brand recognition. Through SEO, content marketing, and social media advertising, you can reach your target audience more effectively than traditional marketing methods. Remember, consistency is key in digital marketing – it’s about building a narrative that resonates with your audience.

Maximizing Brand Recognition

The Power of Consistency

Consistency in your messaging, visual branding, and customer experience is vital. It ensures that whenever someone interacts with your brand, online or offline, they have a cohesive and positive experience. This consistency builds trust and recognition, turning one-time visitors into loyal customers.

Engaging with Your Audience

Engagement is the heart of brand recognition. It’s not just about broadcasting your message; it’s about starting conversations and building a community. Use your virtual office to host webinars, online workshops, and live Q&A sessions. These interactions deepen your relationship with your audience and strengthen your brand.

The Synergy of Virtual Offices and Coworking Spaces

Combining Flexibility and Community

While a virtual office provides the address and services, coworking spaces offer the physical workspace when needed. This combination gives you the best of both worlds: the professionalism of a traditional office and the flexibility of remote work. Plus, coworking spaces are hotspots for networking and collaboration, adding another layer to your brand’s presence.

A Hub for Innovation and Collaboration

Coworking spaces are not just about shared desks; they’re communities of like-minded professionals. They offer a unique environment for collaboration, innovation, and networking. Hosting events or participating in community activities in these spaces can significantly enhance your brand’s visibility and credibility.

Overcoming Challenges in Virtual Office Branding

Navigating the Digital Landscape

The digital world is ever-changing, and keeping up can be daunting. It’s important to stay informed about the latest trends in digital marketing and online communication. Regularly updating your strategies to align with these changes will keep your brand relevant and engaging.

Maintaining Human Connection

One potential pitfall of virtual offices is the lack of face-to-face interaction. To counter this, prioritize building real connections with your audience. Personalized emails, interactive social media posts, and virtual events can help bridge the gap, making your brand feel more human and accessible.

The Future of Work and Branding

Embracing Change and Innovation

The future of work is flexible, digital, and collaborative. As virtual offices become more prevalent, brands that adapt and innovate will thrive. Stay ahead of the curve by continuously exploring new ways to enhance your virtual office branding and online presence.

The Role of Technology

Advancements in technology will continue to shape how we work and how brands are perceived. From AI-driven customer service to virtual reality meetings, staying open to technological innovations can provide exciting new avenues for brand growth and engagement.

Your Next Steps in Virtual Office Branding

Crafting a Strategy That Works for You

Every brand is unique, and so should be your approach to virtual office branding. Start by defining your brand’s personality, values, and target audience. Then, tailor your online presence and digital marketing strategies to align with these elements.

Staying Ahead of the Curve

Keep learning, experimenting, and adapting. The world of virtual offices and digital branding is dynamic, and staying informed is key to success. Follow industry blogs, attend webinars, and network with other professionals in the coworking and virtual office space.

The post-pandemic consumer trends

In recent years the market has undergone major changes in a short space of time. The pandemic, the global economic crisis, and the new health safety measures have shaped a new scenario and changed consumption trends.

With these changes in consumer habits, companies needed to adapt, especially small and medium-sized businesses that need to reinvent themselves to survive.

To better understand the main changes in the consumer scenario and the new consumption trends, read the following article.

Online sales

After the arrival of the pandemic, in the first half of 2020, those who were already using the virtual environment as a point of sale needed to increase this strategy, and those who were not yet using it needed to open up to this possibility.

In 2020 virtual shopping increased and online sales became a reality not only for large companies, but also for small and medium ones.

With this need knocking at the door of entrepreneurs, marketplace platforms and companies that outsource services such as deliveries through apps had a huge growth.

Essential items

With the financial crisis and instability, many consumers have reduced their consumption of superfluous items and have focused their income on buying only essential items.

The high prices of essential items also greatly reduced the purchasing power and some sectors showed large drops, such as the clothing sector, which fell 25%.

Conscious consumption and appreciation of the small business

For middle class consumers who did not have a very significant reduction in income, the idea of conscious consumption increased.

The concern with the environment, as well as with social causes, leveraged the sustainable sector and the small and local businesses.

Local businesses have been valued, allowing small entrepreneurs to get through this period with the support of local consumers.

More than service, attention

With the ability to search the internet and find cheaper product offers, face-to-face businesses can no longer just offer good service, they need to offer attention, capable of generating a customer experience.

When a consumer chooses to pay more for a certain product or service, instead of going online, he is looking for an experience that must be offered through excellent attention from small businesses.

Hygiene and safety first

Finally, it is impossible to think about consumer trends without taking into account the customer’s concern for hygiene and safety.

Health safety is a must, with businesses that offer a clean environment and follow safety protocols being preferred by consumers.

Data security has also been a major concern, so offering more technological payment methods and guaranteed data protection is a differentiator for businesses that want to survive this period.


The transformations in consumer trends have emerged quickly, but they don’t seem to be going away post-pandemic, so adapting to them is essential.

Companies that do not worry about meeting the most demanding demands of consumers who are tuned in to the news may be left behind and unable to survive this period.

If you are an entrepreneur or a customer, you must already be familiar with these transformations, but seeing them as definitive is essential to understand the movement of consumer trends.

Technologies that boost entrepreneurship

Entrepreneurship in the 21st century without having technology as an ally is something practically impossible, besides being unproductive. 

More than just facilitating day-to-day processes, many technologies can be the basis of a business, especially when we think about the most modern business models, such as startups.

The entrepreneur who does not incorporate technology into his process is not open to the possibilities of current times, so it is important to know the available technologies that can boost entrepreneurship.

Below, check out the technologies that drive entrepreneurship and how you can enjoy them for your career.

Technology for project management

Project management is always a challenge, whether it is done face-to-face or facing the challenges of remote teams. 

To facilitate the daily routine of teams, technology already offers several ways to improve interaction and performance.

Through project management, organizations can optimize processes, improve their performance, and move closer to excellence.

Using project management software is one of the best ways to help managers work more efficiently and effectively.

Among the advantages of this type of technology is the possibility of interaction between team members, mutual collaboration, and optimized problem solving.

The technologies behind this type of software involve cloud storage, the ability to access data and process that data quickly and effectively.

Technologies for operational management

Operational management of a company is now easier thanks to technology.

Financial control, greater access to suppliers and customers, more possibilities of means to make and receive payments, are just some of the facilities that technology offers to entrepreneurs of the 21st century.


The financial management of an organization is readily facilitated through applications that allow the recording of capital flow, offering a broader and more detailed view of finances.

The effectiveness of this type of technology already allows the entrepreneur to access data such as profit rate, tax costs, among other financial indicators.


One of the main technological facilitators for entrepreneurs today is the possibility of relying on payment intermediaries.

Facilitating the payment processes for customers is an excellent way to win new customers, but mainly to retain old ones.

Innovation and technology

With technology opening every day a wider path for innovation, entrepreneurship gains many possibilities for growth.

New technologies that accompany the growth of Industry 4.0 such as artificial intelligence, the Internet of Things, and big data, among others, enable the growth of entrepreneurship.

The entrepreneur who can visualize technology as an ally for his business can experience faster and more efficient growth, as well as explore new possibilities.


Are you aware of the BYOD trend?

Research by Intel has shown that about half of all technology professionals believe that their own equipment is better than that offered by their employers.

While some use the inferior equipment offered by the company, some don’t give up their personal equipment.

This movement has a name: Bring Your Own Device, or BYOD for short. Understand below how it works and what its advantages and disadvantages are.

Advantages and disadvantages of the BYOD method

The acronym BYOD stands for “Bring your own device and, if on the one hand this method can bring facilities for employees and company, on the other hand, problems can occur for the management of work routines when this movement runs into complications with the company’s networks. 

Advantages of BYOD

Economy: By placing the responsibility of paying for work equipment on the employee, this movement represents an economy for the company. 

Less IT problems: By being familiar with the devices they are using, employees tend to have fewer problems that require IT attention.

More productivity: Besides the comfort of knowing the machine they are working on, the BYOD method allows employees to work anywhere with internet, 

Mobility: The employee can be in a hotel, airport, client’s office, or even at home or abroad and answer their company phone extension on their own cell phone or notebook.

Disadvantages of BYOD

Security conflicts: Personal devices may have been exposed to malicious software, such as viruses, and put the network’s security at risk.

Problems with operational systems – because they are developed with different characteristics, some software may have problems working the right way on specific cell phone or computer systems, making it difficult to access the tools needed in the work routine.


Between advantages and disadvantages, the BYOD movement can be beneficial for both companies and employees, on one hand giving flexibility, on the other allowing greater efficiency for both.

Nearwork: the importance of working close to home

Distance from the workplace can have positive effects for both the employee and the employer, impacting each in different ways. 

The requirement for “residents in the area” appears several times in job postings, but with remote work, distance has increasingly become an employee choice.

To better understand the impacts of nearwork and how it can become a reality for many people, follow the text below.

Advantages of nearwork for the employer

Punctuality is one of the most important factors for an employer, which is why the distance an employee travels to get to work is so important when choosing a new employee for a team.

Several factors can interfere with the employee’s commute time to work and, for this reason, most companies give preference to hiring employees who live nearby.

With the possibility of remote work, the employer can count on a larger number of candidates for a job vacancy and does not need to be tied to people who live close to its headquarters.

Advantages of nearwork for the employee

There are many people who are willing to travel long distances to get to work, because the most important thing for them is to work.

However, a long commute time interferes a lot in the employee’s quality of life and in the long run can have negative impacts in the life and professional performance of this person.

Therefore, having the possibility of having a job that can be done remotely can have a very positive impact on the employee’s quality of life and significantly increase his or her professional performance.


In summary, if there is no need for timely intervention, the distance from the workplace matters for the employee due to the extra time it takes to get to the destination and the increased costs due to the longer trip.

For the employer, being able to choose their employees without geographic restrictions and not having to deal with problems of their employees being late or worn out on the commute to work.

In general, it seems that the best choice is to restrict the area in which to consider applications only in cases where immediate action is required and leave in all other cases freedom for the employee to decide whether to make a longer or shorter trip or look for a job closer to home. 

How to strengthen your career using social networks

Human relationships are changing every day, and technology is one of the main drivers of these changes. So regardless of what your career is, building your image on social media is key.

When you are self-employed this need is even greater, after all, before hiring you for a job, the client will certainly look for references and previous work.

A profile on social networks in which people can interact with you and follow your day to day enables your future clients to build trust, respect, and admiration for you and your work.

If you want to build an image in the digital world, here are some tips that can help you in this mission.

Tell your story

Showing your followers who you are goes beyond writing your profile, it is something constant that you can build every day.

Even if you don’t want to expose your whole routine, showing the challenges of your career, how you overcome them and, especially, the results you achieve is an excellent way to tell your story.

Use strongs images

How many times have you heard the phrase “a picture is worth a thousand words”? Certainly many, isn’t it? That’s because it’s true, images fill people’s eyes and grab their attention in a matter of seconds.

Write interesting captions

As important as images are, the way you talk about your work is also crucial.

Whenever you produce content to post, create eye-catching text so that your post is more than just visual, but really tells a story.

Also, search for the most used terms in your niche and use hashtags, to get your photos found in searches.

Encourage interaction

One of the most important points for your social network to grow is that there is interaction between you and the people who follow you.

This interaction is essential for the algorithm to recognize that your followers are interested in your content and spread it to more and more people.

And to make this interaction happen, you can and should encourage people to interact with your content through comments, shares, and saves.


Don’t ignore the trends, no matter how much you have offline channels to promote your work, building an image on social networks is essential and will certainly make a difference for your career and your business.

How to get out of your comfort zone to grow professionally in 2021

Another year is coming to an end and you are looking for ways to get out of your comfort zone and grow professionally?

The fear of taking risks can cause you to get stuck in what you have achieved so far and not be able to take the next step to grow.

Getting out of your comfort zone is not easy, but if fear is holding you back, your chances of growth get smaller and smaller.

If you want to start 2021 taking a leap in your career, take note of the following tips. But here’s a spoiler: there is no miracle, you will need to get out of your comfort zone.

Have a motivation

Do you want to make more money? Work fewer hours? Do what you love?

Find a goal, so you have motivation to get out of your comfort zone and a point on the horizon to reach.

Identify your comfort zone

Identifying what you’re comfortable with and what you’ll need to let go of in order to leave it behind and take a step toward growth is key.

What is holding you back?

This is the time to be honest with yourself and answer “what is stopping you from leaving your comfort zone”.

Looking for justifications to stay professionally stagnant is one of the main reasons people don’t grow professionally.

Therefore, identifying your attitudes that need to be changed is your next step towards professional growth.

Look for references

Identify in your daily life professionals who have the qualities you hope to have in your professional change and notice what their attitudes are.

People who have already left their comfort zone are usually competent, daring, creative and enterprising. Surround yourself with good examples to trace your path.

Lose your fear

Finding out what your fears are about stepping out of your comfort zone to grow professionally, and then mapping out a strategy to get rid of them is your next step.

To accomplish this, it is essential that you define what advantages you will gain by facing your fears and how you will benefit in the future.

Change some habits

People who are in a comfort zone often have habits that don’t move them forward.

Understanding what changes you need to make in your routine to grow professionally is one way to get out of your comfort zone towards your new goal.

Be ready to make mistakes

Overcoming a moment of stagnation and moving towards growth can lead you to make some mistakes.

These mistakes can be seen as failures or as lessons, and the only way for you to get through them and come out stronger is to see them as lessons and learn from them.


Deciding, being persistent, and taking action is the path you will need to follow to get out of your comfort zone and grow professionally.

To help you in this new stage of your life, count on Easy Work Space, a place with all the infrastructure you need to dedicate yourself to your work and put into practice your actions to grow.

Você sabe o que é um Nômade Digital e como se tornar um?

A digital nomad is a professional who works online and does not need his presence in an office.
With a good connection, he can do his work from anywhere in the world. It is a great option for those who work with digital marketing, design, photography, content production, writing, and freelance professionals because it is not a conventional work routine.

You can work at your home, at the beach, at a café, as long as you have a good internet connection.

The digital nomadic lifestyle is also a good choice for those who give private lessons or online courses. A musician who teaches guitar playing, a financial management class, language teachers, who can even interact with students from all over the world.

In spite of the works mentioned above, there is no limit to enter this market. The newest video calling and instant messaging services – like Skype and Zoom and WhatsApp – provide a space to serve your customers and manage a job without you having to be physically present at a specific location.

Advantages of being a digital nomad

Freedom in routine and lifestyle

The flexible routine of the digital nomad brings much happiness and quality of life to these workers.
Many professionals in this market only work in areas of their interest.

Digital nomads can do their own programming.  For example, people who prefer to work at night can do their work at the time of their choice as long as they meet their deadlines.

Work from anywhere

Your only limit for choosing where to live is good internet access. Your work can be done in the heat of the coast or in a large urban center. The location of these professionals does not matter, so nomads can live anywhere in the world.

Make money on the internet

With experience, it is possible to have good productivity and earn more and more.
The more qualified your work, the higher your income.

Disadvantages of being a digital nomad

Hard work and unstable life

Particularly at the beginning, you will encounter many difficulties. The nomadic work is not a vacation period or a sabbatical retreat.  To earn some money you will have to work many hours a day.

Most digital nomads do not have a permanent contract. You will always have to win new clients, because the income will never be guaranteed. Every month is a different situation and you will have good and bad periods.

The same goes for accommodation and housing, so it is important to have a reservation.

Social life

If you change constantly and meet new people all the time is very good, but of course, you will also be saying goodbye to people often. Besides often staying away from your family, the digital nomad doesn’t have much time to establish solid relationships and friendships.

Benefits of a permanent contract

The digital nomad works in complete solitude, there is no substitute for example if he is sick to work, or an agreement offered by the company. It’s you for you.

Are you interested in working with more freedom and meeting new people and places? Be a digital nomad.  Start with small experiences, and adapt to the best routine model for you.

How to make virtual meetings more productive?

The technology is more and more modern and the internet is getting faster, which allows virtual meetings to be made through videoconferences with applications such as Zoom, Microsoft Teams or Google Hangout.

We are in a reality of working more and more at home or remotely, and in the rush of the day at work is meeting after meeting.

Even though virtual meetings are becoming more and more common, working at a distance is every day an adaptation.

Here are some tips to make your virtual meetings more productive.

Attention to details

Before you start an online meeting, always check up on your transmission equipment: camera, microphone, lighting. Be clear in the microphone and always be a little more whimsical in your diction and always announce your arrival and be clear when you are leaving.

Schedule the meeting well in advance

With so many people working remotely, the meetings are fundamental organizational items in the company’s operations and meetings of different teams and several projects are happening at the same time.

So, make sure in advance that all the employees you need to be present at the meeting have their agendas available.

Create meeting rules

In meetings at a distance with several participants, it is easy that the meeting ends with lost people, parallel conversations, or even unintentionally interrupting themselves.

To avoid these setbacks, create a list of agendas or topics that follow a logical and clear order, to help the organization, you can also create roles among members.

Straight to the point

Don’t be late and during the virtual meeting always keep an eye on the clock. Think about your arguments before the meeting to get to the point quickly.

Divide your arguments into, presentation of the problem, expose your proposals and alternatives and finally ask for the opinions of other collaborators to help you in your solution. Talk less to tell your ideas.

Have proactivity

During the meeting take the initiative to start talking and break the silence. Without taking the chance of anyone speaking and exposing your ideas, it is possible to take the lead as a kind of mediator or teacher, especially if it is a meeting presented or taught by you.

Call the other employees to speak and ask for opinions, be aware of the signs that the other wants to speak, establishing a fair and relaxed environment, fluid, and without embarrassing silences.

Give everyone a chance to speak

Not always the participants of the online meeting are visible and, many, participate only by audio, so it is normal for these people to be more silent and get lost more during the meeting.

To make sure everyone participates actively in the meeting, create a list of everyone present, be aware if someone has not had their chance to speak and share their points, expose their ideas and suggestions, and make sure that this person receives attention and gets their opportunity to speak as well.

Start the meeting with relaxing and connection

In the physical office, it is very common that people together in the meeting room have a moment of relaxation, and in remote work, it is good to start the activities with a little proximity and joy.

Relaxing in the initial moments of the meeting, besides uniting more employees, also causes much more engagement in the meeting that is about to happen.

Use those initial minutes for light subjects that would physically happen on the way to the meeting or at that time of the coffee.

As we have seen, to hold a productive virtual meeting, some care must be taken.

The most important thing is to hold your meetings in such a way that their content is being used to the maximum to develop the agenda or train the workforce.

These tips can help your team to concentrate more and get the best out of online meetings and especially optimize time in your company.

If you work remotely and are looking for the ideal environment to develop your activities, get to know Easy Work Space, a company that offers all the infrastructure and exclusive services to make your business take off.