How to be creative in business

Creativity and entrepreneurship go hand in hand, in the business world being creative is essential, because a good entrepreneur must know the importance of this resource and use it in his day-to-day practices.

There are several ways to be creative in the world of entrepreneurship, from the development of new products and services to the way your company performs daily tasks in order to optimize processes and increase production.

Creativity permeates all layers of entrepreneurship and is essential for the growth and good performance of the company, so let’s raise some indispensable points to stimulate creativity in business and reap the fruits of this practice

Why encourage creativity?

High market competitiveness requires differentiated solutions and new resources to win customers. To achieve this it is necessary to work with creativity and develop means to achieve business opportunities.

Offering good quality products and services is no longer enough to maintain a successful company, today it is necessary to create experiences for customers and strengthen the brand through creative measures.

What is different about Creativity and Innovation?

Creativity and innovation are two factors that are reflected in the results, so they can only be measured from the moment they generate a return in some way.

In a scenario of constant change such as the world in which we live and work, knowing how to differentiate creativity and innovation is of utmost importance for any company.

Creativity is linked to the ability to generate new ideas, which can occur in several ways, and trigger in something solid or in a new thought.

Innovation, in turn, is more linked to process change, that is, it transforms something that already existed into something more efficient, and for this to become real, it is necessary to employ creativity.

How to have creativity in several processes?

After understanding the meaning of innovation in business, we can see that it can be employed in various layers of your business, whether in creating a new product or reviewing a process in any industry.

You can be creative being an accountant, a lawyer, a manager, just review the way you perform your functions and use creativity to propose changes that can be truly innovative.

Is it possible to turn creativity into innovation?

Every innovative process involves creativity, but not every creative thought generates an innovation.

To transform creativity into innovation it is necessary to break the barrier of the obvious and put into practice solutions that go beyond the basics.

When proposing a new business model, a differentiated process or a solution that you consider innovative, you must wait for the results of these changes to see if it really exceeds the previous model.

Are there ways to stimulate creativity?

Creativity can and should be constantly stimulated, for that you need to pay attention to some details of the day to day, realize what makes you more creative and especially, know how to identify the ideas that can be valuable.

Look for references: Creation does not happen from anything, to create something different you need to gather a set of things you have already had contact with and organize them in a new way.

Activate your observer mode: The best way to deliver to your audience something that will truly please them is to observe models that have worked before, by knowing something that your interlocutor identifies with, it is easier to create something else that speaks that same language.

Work in an inspiring space: The place where you perform your tasks can make all the difference in your creative process. When working, you need to have a calm environment both to perform your activities and to make that pause so important to the mind.

Change the focus: Often we get stuck with an idea or proposal and we can’t get rid of it and move on to something new, at that moment it’s important to know how to detach and move in another direction.

Try it: Those who limit themselves to their comfort zone are deprived of knowing new things that can be very useful later on, so avoid pretenses and propose to try different things, even if they are not part of your personal taste.

Take note: Sometimes we have an idea and we don’t know very well in what context to apply it, however, it may be useful in the future and in case you haven’t written down what came to your mind, that idea will be lost. So, when thinking about something you consider creative, even if you don’t find at that moment a way to apply it, take note and wait for the right moment to use it.

Creativity is something that you build and when put into practice it is capable of generating surprising results. To reap the fruits of a successful business, the creativity factor is essential, so don’t leave it aside.

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