Website or blog, which is best for your company

Surely you have already faced the need for your company to have a digital presence, after all, the Internet is an essential channel today and an additional platform for communication with your audience.

However, the way it presents itself can be a little confusing in your head “I must create a website or a blog”. The answer is not so simple and will depend on a number of factors.

The main factor is your goal, depending on what you intend with your virtual presence, there will be an option that will best suit you.

To start unveiling which is the right choice for your company we will understand the difference between site and blog, what is the use of each one of them and which can solve your problems in the best way.

What is a website

A website is a page (or a set of pages) that, once built, will not undergo many changes over time, because it will serve as a virtual business card, where you can describe your services and show the face of the company.

The site will be responsible for presenting your company to the client, create a communication channel and show what are its values, vision and mission, so it is important that it has a formal and direct language, as if it were a face-to-face service.

What is a blog?

The blog, on the other hand, is a content channel, where you can write about issues that relate to the characteristics of your products or services, resolve doubts of your customers and thus create links to facilitate the sale.

From the content generated in the blog, your client creates proximity with the company, after all, it is used a more informal and indirect language, where the product is in the background and the needs of the consumer are in the foreground.

Characteristics and purpose of the Website

Through the site the customer knows your business, he can learn about your products or services, make purchases and connect with your company, however, it will be in an institutional environment, where the main focus is the company.

To get to your site probably the customer will have to know your company previously because it will hardly fall on your page by chance.

The main purpose of the site is to create a platform of contact with the customer by which he can know you better and make the purchase.

Features and purpose of BLOG

The blog is based on frequent posts, through it, the company needs to deliver the largest possible volume of content that encourages the customer to make the purchase of their products and services, ie, marketing is done indirectly.

With the use of some strategies, such as SEO (search engine optimization) is possible to improve the positioning of your site in search engines and thus make customers find your company through their searches related to their content.

The purpose of the blog is to build a network of leads (potential buyers) for your company and increase sales by gaining the sympathy of your audience.

How to choose between the two?

The choice will depend on your objective if you prefer to maintain a formal language with your audience and present to them only your services or products, decide for a site will fulfill this function.

If on the other hand, you need to create a more intimate relationship with your customers and talk to them more deeply about various issues related to your segment, the blog will be essential to create this link.

However you do not need to choose for one or the other, it is possible to create an area for a blog within a website and thus have the two channels of communication with your customer using the same domain.


The important thing is to take into consideration what makes your audience interested, the quality of the content presented is essential to keep your customers active and the visual identity also needs to be taken into account.

In order to deliver to your customers what they expect, it is essential to know the profile of their audience, to deeply understand what they are looking for and how they relate to digital platforms from entertainment to their consumer choices.

If you want to continue learning about the universe of business and entrepreneurship follow our blog, here you can find content to improve your performance and that of your company.