How the virtual office can help your company

Many companies and freelance professionals want to count on the possibility of a nomadic lifestyle, with no fixed address, being able to carry out their activities from anywhere in the world.

This style of work is increasingly widespread and often a single company is composed of professionals spread across several continents.

However, it is common for a company to need certain amenities such as a fiscal address, telephone service and reception for mail and orders.

Therefore, a trend is becoming more and more popular among this type of company: the virtual office.

This service allows a series of facilities for those who need to fulfill certain formalities and at the same time enjoy the facilities of a more flexible life.

If you want to discover the advantages and disadvantages and if this service meets the needs of your company, below we list the main questions about the virtual office.

Who is the virtual office for?

The virtual office is a practical solution for professionals who do not need a physical structure for the operation of the company.

It can be used by professionals who act autonomously as accountants, lawyers, designers, advertisers, writers, even by companies with several employees who work remotely.
Why hire a virtual office service?

The advantages of hiring a virtual office service revolve around complying with certain formalities necessary for a business, bringing comfort both to the professional and to suppliers and clients.

Among the many advantages of this service we can highlight:


The cost of hiring a virtual office service is low, enabling the company to meet essential requirements and have many amenities for an affordable price.

Cost reduction

By having the possibility of hiring a virtual office service, the professional is exempt from the need to rent a place to carry out his activities and from all the other costs that a proper office generates, such as consumption bills, periodic cleaning, etc.

In addition, the professionals who perform the functions related to the virtual office are hired by the company that offers the service, exempting you from expenses with receptionists and telephone attendants.


The first impression is the one you get, so presenting to your clients an option of a formal address and professional service is a differential that adds value to your company.

Privileged address

Typically, companies offering virtual office services are located in prime areas of cities, offering clients a privileged address that also values their business.

Physical space for eventualities

Because they are often linked to coworking spaces, the virtual office allows the professional to enjoy a space to work or to hold meetings and conferences and can pay for these extra services on demand.
Is a virtual office service worth hiring?

Finally, if you are an autonomous professional who works from home or does remote management of a team in a company, it is important to know the virtual office services.

This trend can help you save on your company’s costs, as well as propel you to a more professional level by making your company more formal and offering your clients several amenities.

Get to know the virtual office and other services offered by Easy Work Space, count on our infrastructure to improve your company, and go further in business.