Do you know what resilience is and how it can and does help?

The term resilience is used to define the need to adapt in the face of change. In the working world, having this ability is something of great value and that can boost your career or company.

Challenges arise every day and being prepared to deal with them is a differential that can make the difference; having resilience can be synonymous with success or failure.

To understand more about the importance of resilience in the labor market, follow below some tips and learn how to develop this quality.

Resilience in the job market

Being a resilient person can help you in many situations in life, whether in your relationship with your family, in your marriage, or even in the job market.

Even those who have remained in the same job for many years need to use resilience in times such as a change of management, a period of pressure, and even to deal with conflicts within the team.

For entrepreneurs and freelancers, having the ability to be resilient is even more important, because instability will always be around.

When faced with a difficulty, the resilient professional sees more opportunities than problems and is able to get around situations that for others would be a great challenge.

The importance of resilience at work

Emotional stability makes a professional able to face problems and overcome them. This ability is highly valued by the other co-workers, as well as by the manager.

Recognition is usually present in the lives of resilient professionals, who always find opportunities for growth by demonstrating their capabilities.

Therefore, being a resilient professional can open doors for you both to get a new job and to grow within a company or run your own business well.

Developing resilience

Some people are resilient by nature, while others have more difficulty dealing with adverse situations.

The good thing is that resilience can be worked on, so look at the following tips to develop your ability to be resilient.


Confidence is directly linked with the ability to deal with problems and adversity.

A professional who doesn’t trust himself when he faces a problem usually doesn’t face it because he doesn’t feel able to.

Therefore, having self-confidence is the first step to becoming a resilient professional.

To develop self-confidence you need to know your strengths and weaknesses, so you know which characteristics to explore and which to work on.


Those who are afraid of change cannot indulge in resilience. That is why it is necessary to always be open to new things and leave old patterns behind.

Believing in the potential of the new and forgetting about pessimism is the first step to being flexible.


No one can be resilient with their arms folded, after all, to deal with a situation of adversity you need to face it.
So, if you want to be a resilient person, be ready to face challenges and face them head-on.
When faced with a problem you should think about the solution and not the problem itself, so you skip the frustration stage and go straight to the resolution.


Those who seek to be resilient in their personal and professional lives must be open to change in their thinking and believe in change.

The resilient professional faces problems head-on, always with self-confidence, flexibility, respect, and proactivity.